Wednesday, July 17, 2013

NEON Tips & Tricks Part 1 - Using Stack Efficiently, Safely

You NEVER Have Enough Registers

I has been and is a very hard struggle living with the limited number of registers on ARM : There are 16 32bit ones, only 14 of them available.
The major difficulty coding in assembly lies in the register management therefore.
It's quite different when coding for NEON : There are 32 64bit registers - all of them free to use - IN ADDITION to the 14 on ARM. Life is beautiful!

Alas, it might be more than sufficient for most relatively simple integer algorithms, but there are situations where high precision is important, forcing you to do 32bit/float arithmetics. Especially those butterfly ones found in DCT/FFT are quite nasty since every element has to be computed with all other ones once each.

LLM iDCT Butterfly Diagram
Butterfly diagram of LLM iDCT, from the excellent study
"Efficient Fixed-Point Approximations of the 8x8 Inverse
Discrete Cosine Transform" by
Yuriy A. Reznik, Arianne T. Hindsy, Cixun Zhangz, Lu Yuz, and Zhibo Niz

Madame Butterfly
Even the "tiny" 8x8 matrix from jpeg, when pumped up to 32bit each for high precision arithmetics, occupies 4*8*8 = 256 bytes.
NEON can contain 256bytes in its registers(32*8=256), but that's all. NEON cannot do anything further without other registers holding the coefficient scalars and freely available for destination/temporary purpose.
You are more or less forced to compute the matrix in two passes - four lines each in this case, for example.


What do we do if no registers are available for next operations? We put those containing values not necessary for the immediate operations onto stack, use them for the operations, and restore them when it's their turn :
vpush {line0a, line0b, line1a, line1b, line2a, line2b, line3a, line3b}
mov r12, sp
// compute line4~line7
vpush {line4a, line4b, line5a, line5b, line6a, line6b, line7a, line7b}
vldmia r12, {line0a, line0b, line1a, line1b, line2a, line2b, line3a, line3b}
// compute line0~line3.
Now there are some problems here though. In simple situations, PUSHs and POPs are paired like parenthesis, but not in this case.
Since we also have to preserve the results line4~7, we have to resort to an additional ARM register to restore line0~line3 after pushing line4~7, and since you don't pop for this purpose, you have to manage the Stack Pointer manually, called killing the stack pointer :
add sp, sp, #8*16 // kill the stack pointer
vpop {q4-q7} 
bx lr // return
If you miss this process or miscalculate the killing number, the OS will mercilessly kill your task in return, or even worse, your task will spit out full of nonsenses before it gets killed. - very hard to debug.

Making Life Easier

vpush {q4-q7} // according to ATPCS, q4-q7 have to be preserved prior to use.....
mov r3, sp // backing up the sp
sub sp, sp, #16*16 // make room for 16 quad registers
mov r12, sp
vstmia r12!, {line0a, line0b, line1a, line1b, line2a, line2b, line3a, line3b}
// compute line4~line7
vstmia r12!, {line4a, line4b, line5a, line5b, line6a, line6b, line7a, line7b}
mov r12, sp
vldmia r12!, {line0a, line0b, line1a, line1b, line2a, line2b, line3a, line3b}
// compute line0~line3.
mov sp, r3 // restoring the sp
vpop {q4-q7} // .....and restored after use
bx lr // return
It's much more safe now. You don't have to calculate the killing number manually every time vpush/vpop population is changed.
You have to sacrifice an ARM register(r3 here) for this method, but there is no way you can be short on ARM registers when programming for NEON, and executing a few ARM instructions while NEON instructions dominate is COMPLETELY FREE, cycle wise.

Aligned Forces

Vpush and vpop aren't ordinary NEON instructions. They are pseudo-instructions translated by the ARM Assembly into "vstmdb sp!, {register-list}" and "vstmia sp!, {register-list}" each.
Vldm and vstm both are VFP-NEON shared instructions. NEON has its proprietary memory related instructions : vld and vst
In addition to the on-the-fly interleaving/de-interleaving property(more on this in next part), vld and vst both benefit from the right memory alignment in form of faster execution, if you guarantee it to them expressively :
vpush {q4-q7} // according to ATPCS, q4-q7 have to be preserved prior to use.....
mov r3, sp // backing up the sp
sub sp, sp, #16*16 // make room for 16 quad registers
bic sp, sp, #0x1f  // equivalent to sp &=0xffffffe0, make sp 32byte aligned
mov r12, sp
vst1.32 {line0a, line0b}, [r12,:256]!
vst1.32 {line1a, line1b}, [r12,:256]!
vst1.32 {line2a, line2b}, [r12,:256]!
vst1.32 {line3a, line3b}, [r12,:256]!
// compute line4~line7
vst1.32 {line4a, line4b}, [r12,:256]!
vst1.32 {line5a, line5b}, [r12,:256]!
vst1.32 {line6a, line6b}, [r12,:256]!
vst1.32 {line7a, line7b}, [r12,:256]!
mov r12, sp
vld1.32 {line0a, line0b}, [r12,:256]!
vld1.32 {line1a, line1b}, [r12,:256]!
vld1.32 {line2a, line2b}, [r12,:256]!
vld1.32 {line3a, line3b}, [r12,:256]!
// compute line0~line3.
mov sp, r3 // restoring the sp
vpop {q4-q7} // .....and restored after use
bx lr // return
The major drawback of vld and vst compared to vldm and vstm is that the former can load/store only up to two quad registers(four double registers) while the latter can handle up to eight quad registers.(16 double registers)
How expensive are they on Coretex A8? vldm/vstm cost nine cycles (number of q registers+1) while aligned vldm/vstm cost 2 cycles each.

Well, it might seem not worth all the efforts/increased code length for a mere, single cycle saved, but there are other strong benefits.......

to be continued in next part

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

NEON Tutorial Part 1 - A Simple Function

No "Hello World" here

I don't intend starting the tutorial with the eighty millionth "Hello World" example. It's boring.

What about some elementary school stuff instead? A very simple function, literally :

f(x) = coefficient * x + intercept

Too simple? D'accord, let's extend this with a division, rounding, and saturation :

void sfC(unsigned short * pDst, short * pSrc, short coeff, short intercept, unsigned int count)
 int res;
 do {
  res = *pSrc++ * coeff + intercept;
  if (res & 0x80) res += 256;
  res >>= 8;
  if (res < 0) res = 0;
  if (res>0xffff) res = 0xffff;
  *pDst++ = (unsigned short) res;
 } while (--count);

The C function above is quite self explanatory. It does multiplication, addition, division (right shift) with rounding, and saturates to 0 to 65535 (16bit).

Say Hello to NEON

Below is the corresponding code in Apple LLVM 4.2 assembly syntax :

// void sfNEONbad(unsigned short * pDst, short * pSrc, short coeff, short intercept, unsigned int count);
.code 32
.globl _sfNEONbad
.private_extern _sfNEONbad

pDst    .req    r0
pSrc    .req    r1
coeff   .req    r2
interc  .req    r3
count   .req    r12

.align 2
 ldr     count, [sp]
 vdup.16 d0, coeff
 vdup.16 d1, interc

  vld1.16   {d2}, [pSrc]!
  vmull.s16  q1, d2, d0[0]
  vaddw.s16  q1, q1, d1
  vqrshrun.s32 d2, q1, #8
  vst1.16   {d2}, [pDst]!
  subs   count, count, #4
 bgt     1b
bx      lr

vdup.16 d0, coeff - duplicate all four 16bit lanes of d0 with the value of coeff
vdup.16 d0, interc - duplicate all four 16bit lanes of d0 with the value of interc
vld1.16 {d2}, [pSrc]! - load planar data from pSrc, equivalent to "d2 = *pSrc++;" in C

NEON can and must use ARM registers as pointers, but it cannot use them for arithmetics. Therefore, both coeff and interc have to be copied to NEON's registers first.
All NEON instructions start with a v (for vector) and are easily distinguished from ARM's thereby.

The Long Model and Vector-Scalar Operation
vmull.s16 q1, d2, d0[0] - multiply all 4 signed int16 data in the vector d2 with the signed int16 data in the first lane of d0, the result is signed int32. (the last l for long)

NEON vector by scalar multiplication long

Now it's SIMD time! d2 is a vector (short array) of 8byte size which means that D registers can contain up to 8 bytes, 4 int16, or 2 int32 (of float)
NEON can compute all the data in the lanes with a single instruction. With 16bit data, it's 4 at once.
And since the results are 4 int32 data, they don't fit to a D register. The destination has to be a Q register therefore.

The Wide Model and Vector-Vector Operation

vaddw.s16 q1, q1, d1 - add 4 int32 data with 4 int16 data in matching lane (w for wide)
NEON vector by vector addition wide

Now we have to add 32bit data with 16bit ones - a Q register with a D register. It's called the Wide Model.
Although we don't have to do a vector-vector operation here since we want to add the same value (interc) to the 4 int32 data, multiplications are the only vector-scalar operations supported by NEON. Therefore, we have to stick to vector-vector addition.

The Narrow Model and The King of The Hill

vqrshrun.s32 d2, q1, #8
q - saturate
r - round
shr - shift right
u - convert to unsigned
n - narrow

You see? A single instruction that does this much. It does shift to right, round, saturate, convert to unsigned and shrink down the results to half.
Just look at the C code. 4 lines with 3 if's were necessary.
vqrshrun is probably the most efficient and useful NEON instruction. (q, r, u, n are all optional flags)

Store and Loop

vst1.16 {d2}, [pDst]! - store planar data to pDst, equivalent to "*pDst++ = d2;" in C

subs count, count, #4 - substract, equivalent to "count -= 4;" in C, and updates the CPSR (suffix s)
CPSR(Current Program Status Register) is a special register for flow control.
It gets updated depending on the result of an arithmetic-logic instruction with an 's' suffix attached.
And then, following instruction(s) can be executed conditionally, meaning they are only executed when the condition given with the condition code attached is met.

bgt 1b - Branch(jump) to label 1 backward if Greater Than 0

It's the 'b' (branch) instruction with the condition code 'gt'.
In this example, we compute 4 data per iteration. count gets decreased by 4 (subs), and if count becomes less than zero, the 'gt' condition isn't met and the branch to 1 backward isn't executed. Thus, the loop is terminated.

bx lr - Branch to the address lr(link register) contains changing mode(ARM<->Thumb) if necessary, equivalent to "return;" in C

Great Expectations

Much easier than previously thought, right? If you didn't understand CPSR and condition codes very well, it doesn't matter much. subs, bgt, and bx are pretty much the routine job.

Well we are finished here. We now compute 4 data per iteration and vqrshrun being so powerful we can expect it to be more than 4 times as fast than the C version, right?

It's time for benchmarking :
device : iPod touch 4th gen (Coretex-A8)
OS : iOS 6.13
data size : 1920*1080*2 bytes
iteration : 1024

function execution time speed factor
sfC 1315126107 1
sfNEONbad 337117053 3.901

Wow, we did it. It's actually almost 4 times as fast.
You must be satisfied. (and probably your boss as well)

But there are something very disturbing here : why is the function's name sfNEONbad?
It's actually very bad.

Let's Count

One of the best thing about NEON is that almost all its instructions consume only 1 cycle, but at a price called latency.
NEON cycle counting
A screen capture from the excellent Cycle Counter for Coretex A8 by Plusar showing how many cycles our code within loop consumes.

Both vld and vst instructions consume 2 cycles each, and the others only 1.
Not bad considering even multiply consumes a single cycle, but why does whole loop consume 15 cycles as indicated left? That's the due to the latency marked in red.
Even though vmull consumes just one cycle, in doesn't mean that the result is available immediately. It takes time.
The next instruction, vaddw needs it, and since it's not available at the time of execution, addw has to wait 8 half-cycles (q1:8).
The same applies to vqrshrun and vst as well. (5 and 7 each)
This kind of delay or wait state is called pipeline interlock or hazard.

An iteration takes 15 cycles and 10 of them are wasted cycles? You must be kidding.
Can we fix this? Of course. It's actually very simple.

The Way It's Supposed To Be

You cannot simply remove interlocks - it's impossible. Instead you do something else filling the gap.

.code 32
.globl _sfNEONbad
.private_extern _sfNEONbad

pDst    .req    r0
pSrc    .req    r1
coeff   .req    r2
interc  .req    r3
count   .req    r12

.align 2
 ldr     count, [sp]
 vdup.16 d0, r2 //coeff
 vdup.16 d1, r3 //value

  vld1.16  {d28-d31}, [pSrc,:128]!
  vmull.s16   q12, d28, d0[0]
  vmull.s16   q13, d29, d0[0]
  vmull.s16   q14, d30, d0[0]
  vmull.s16   q15, d31, d0[0]

  vaddw.s16   q12, q12, d1
  vaddw.s16   q13, q13, d1
  vaddw.s16   q14, q14, d1
  vaddw.s16   q15, q15, d1

  vqrshrun.s32    d24, q12, #8
  vqrshrun.s32    d25, q13, #8
  vqrshrun.s32    d26, q14, #8
  vqrshrun.s32    d27, q15, #8

  subs    count, count, #16
  vst1.16  {d24-d27}, [pDst,:128]!
 bgt     1b

 bx      lr

As you can see, we utilize more registers, loading 4 registers at once.
Then we do the same kind of operation through the registers.
This way, the next kind of operation is delayed, but less to none cycles are wasted.
Lets count again :
NEON optimization by instruction scheduling
Much better now. The interlocks are gone or heavily reduced.
One iteration takes 18 cycles now dealing with 4 times as many bytes! Can we expect the same level of performance boost this time? Let's benchmark again

Sorry disappointing you

function execution time speed factor
sfC 1315126107 1
sfNEONbad 337117053 3.901
sfNEON 266787748 4.929

The "proper" version is only about 26% faster than the "bad" version, and there are reasons.
In our benchmark, we are dealing with a huge chunk of data : 1920*1080*2 = 4,147,200 bytes. If you consider that we write the results to a different memory area, it doubles to 8,294,400bytes = 8.1MB.
What does this mean? 100% cache miss - guaranteed since even the top notch Coretex A15 can be equipped only up to 4MB L2 cache.
How painful is a cache miss? About 20 memory cycles, varying depending on the architecture/SoC. 20 memory cycles are usually 40 CPU cycles!

Something has to be done here, definitely.

The Power Of NEON

In our example we are reading data from memory sequentially. What if we could tell the CPU to read ahead while NEON is computing? Are there instructions for this purpose?
The answer is yes. - PLD - preload data.

.code 32
.globl _sfNEON
.private_extern _sfNEON

pDst    .req    r0
pSrc    .req    r1
coeff   .req    r2
interc  .req    r3
count   .req    r12

.align 2
 pld  [pSrc]
 pld  [pSrc, #64*1]
 pld  [pSrc, #64*2]
 pld  [pSrc, #64*3]
 ldr     count, [sp]
 vdup.16 d0, r2 //coeff
 vdup.16 d1, r3 //value

  pld     [pSrc, #64*4]
  vld1.16  {d28-d31}, [pSrc,:128]!
  vmull.s16   q12, d28, d0[0]
  vmull.s16   q13, d29, d0[0]
  vmull.s16   q14, d30, d0[0]
  vmull.s16   q15, d31, d0[0]

  vaddw.s16   q12, q12, d1
  vaddw.s16   q13, q13, d1
  vaddw.s16   q14, q14, d1
  vaddw.s16   q15, q15, d1

  vqrshrun.s32    d24, q12, #8
  vqrshrun.s32    d25, q13, #8
  vqrshrun.s32    d26, q14, #8
  vqrshrun.s32    d27, q15, #8

  subs    count, count, #16
  vst1.16  {d24-d27}, [pDst,:128]!
 bgt     1b

 bx      lr

Not much changed here, just adding a few PLD instructions
The cache controller doesn't manage the cache byte for byte but in lines, each line consisting of 64bytes.
ARM recommends to read three lines ahead, but since our code is relatively short, we will read 4 lines ahead. (pld[pSrc, #64*4]) On to the next benchmark!

function execution time speed factor
sfC 1315126107 1
sfNEONbad 337117053 3.901
sfNEON 266787748 4.929
sfNEON preload 110085265 11.946

Impressed? That't the true power of NEON.

I also wrote a hand optimized ARM assembly version(attached at the end) with and without PLD, and the chart below shows how each version fares :

NEON performance benchmark
Compilers are good enough? Just beat the ARM assembly version first.

Power Consumption

For system developers, reducing power consumption is probably more important than performance. App developers should care about this as well since it would carry to the usability of their products.
How much power does NEON consume? ARM claims that NEON doesn't consume more power than the integer unit. If we can trust ARM, using NEON in addition to the integer core(ARM) will consume twice the power at max on the CPU side.
The power consumption heavily depends on the number of instructions executed. Let's count again

LBB0_1:                                 @ =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
 ldrsh r12, [r1], #2
 mla r12, r12, r2, r3
 tst.w r12, #128
 it ne
 addne.w r12, r12, #256
 asr.w lr, r12, #8
 cmp.w lr, #0
 mov.w lr, #0
 it ge
 asrge.w lr, r12, #8
 cmp.w lr, #65536
 it ge
 movge.w lr, #-1
 subs.w r9, r9, #1
 strh lr, [r0], #2
 bne LBB0_1
Above is the disassembly of the inner loop part of the C function (Thumb mode)
It contains 16 instructions.

function instructions per iteration instruction per data power consumption factor
sfC 16 16 1
sfARM preload 57 7.125 0.445
sfNEON preload 16 1.0625 0.0664*2=0.1328

As you can see, even if you double the power consumption result of the NEON version, it's still the least by a huge margin.
If you are capable of handling NEON properly, you will get immense performance boosts in addition to the reduction in power consumption.

Next time, I'll address to further optimizing the codes in a more useful examples in real applications.

See you next time!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Key Contents

  • Vector-Scalar Operation
  • Vector-Vector Operation
  • The Long Model
  • The Wide Model
  • The Narrow Model
  • Instruction Scheduling

Bonus Stuff

Below is the hand optimized ARM assembly version used in benchmark.

.globl _sfARM
.private_extern _sfARM

pDst    .req    r0
pSrc    .req    r1
coeff   .req    r2
interc  .req    r3
count   .req    r12

.align 2
 pld  [r1, #64*0]
 pld  [r1, #64*1]
 pld  [r1, #64*2]
 pld  [r1, #64*3]
 pld  [r1, #64*4]

 ldr     count, [sp]
 push {r4-r10, lr}

 ldmia r1!, {r8-r10, lr}
  smulbb r4, r8, r2
  pld  [r1, #64*4]
  smultb r5, r8, r2
  smulbb r6, r9, r2
  smultb r7, r9, r2
  smulbb r8, r10, r2
  add  r4, r4, r3
  smultb r9, r10, r2
  add  r5, r5, r3
  smulbb r10, r11, r2
  add  r6, r6, r3
  smultb lr, lr, r2

   movs r4, r4, asr #8
  add  r7, r7, r3
   addcs r4, r4, #1
  add  r8, r8, r3
   movmi r4, #0
  add  r9, r9, r3
   movs r5, r5, asr #8
  add  r10, r10, r3
   addcs r5, r5, #1
  add  lr, lr, r3
   movmi r5, #0
   movs r6, r6, asr #8
  usat r4, #16, r4
   addcs r6, r6, #1
  usat r5, #16, r5 
   movmi r6, #0
   movs r7, r7, asr #8
   addcs r7, r7, #1
  orr  r4, r4, r5, lsl #16
   movmi r7, #0
   movs r8, r8, asr #8
   addcs r8, r8, #1
  usat r6, #16, r6
   movmi r8, #0
   movs r9, r9, asr #8
   addcs r9, r9, #1
  usat r7, #16, r7
   movmi r9, #0
   movs r10, r10, asr #8
   addcs r10, r10, #1
  usat r8, #16, r8
   movmi r10, #0
   movs lr, lr, asr #8
   addcs lr, lr, #1
  usat r9, #16, r9
   movmi lr, #0
  subs r12, r12, #8

  usat r10, #16, r10
  orr  r5, r6, r7, lsl #16
  usat lr, #16, lr

  orr  r6, r8, r9, lsl #16
  orr  r7, r10, lr, lsl #16

  ldmiagt r1!, {r8-r10, lr}
  stmia r0!, {r4-r7}
 bgt  1b

 pop  {r4-r10, pc}

Sunday, June 16, 2013

NEON – A Brief Introduction


- What’s NEON – or What’s NEON capable of?

NEON is an advanced SIMD unit from ARM that resides on almost all modern smart phones ( iPhone 3GS, Galaxy S, Nexus One or later)

NEON is capable of computing demanding operations such like colorspace conversions, image processing and so on within a few miliseconds.

In other words, NEON can deal with large amount of data - especially packed ones - so efficiently that even operations that would drive every modern mobile CPU to its knees are almost cakewalks, being executed at near-memcpy speed.

For example, my fully optimized version of YUV420 to BGRA8888 conversion takes less than 10ms for a full-HD image (1920*1080) on an iPhone4(<1Ghz) while an opensource C version takes almost one whole second.


- What’s so great about NEON?

  • SIMD – processing up to 16 elements at once
  • on-the-fly packing & unpacking while accessing memory – ideal for processing multimedia data
  • powerful instructions with built-in saturating, rounding, typecasting – especially well suited for fixed-point arithmetics
  • direct access to the L2 cache bypassing L1 cache
  • cache preload – those painful cache-miss penalties are greatly reduced
  • lots of registers – NEON features 32 64Bit data registers (all of them can be used) while ARM features only 16 32Bit general purpose registers (and only 14 of them can be used). In addition, NEON can (and must) also use ARM registers as address registers(pointers), constants containers, loop counters and so on.
  • availability – almost all smart phones from 2010 or later feature NEON, ready for use

- NEON deserves better

If you search the web for “ARM NEON” you’ll probably find many negative postings/QnA’s about NEON like :
  • NEON versions being not much faster or even much slower than their C counterparts
  • NEON computed results being inaccurate
  • complicated to get it to work

NEON is a heavy unit with long pipelines. It has to be handled with care. Most beginners aren’t aware of this and put something “unreasonable” in their codes causing pipeline stalls that waste about 12 cycles each time - which is quite a lot when positioned within a loop.

Even worse, it’s more often the compiler that strongly assists these anomalies.

There are NEON intrinsics for compiler toolchains. These are collections of C macros written in inline-assembly that are meant to enable NEON programming in C. It sounds great at first glance, but in reality, there’s way more pain than gain(if at all) at current state :
  • It simply follows the compiler’s routine job, and part of this preserves and restores ARM registers onto/from stack that cause pipeline stalls on the NEON side
  • Arithmetics’ priorities change depending on the compiler options, causing results that are completely off the track

There are also people that complain about NEON’s less-than-expected performance with their hand written assembly benchmarks. They are not wrong, just not realistic :
  • Typically in benchmarks, test routines are called thousands of times. If the data size isn’t large enough, the whole data is read from the L1 cache from the second time on, thus cache miss penalties are gone which mostly isn’t the case in real world applications. Only the C version compiled to ARM codes benefits from this.
  • If the arithmetics are too simple (a single integer addition per iteration for example), NEON’s gain in performance by computing multiple elements at once is almost nullified by its longer pipelines. There is simply nothing available to fill NEON’s bigger pipeline interlocks without redesigning the iteration itself.

- Any Examples? Resources?

I hope my blog to become the primary source for studies in NEON with upcoming articles/example codes, but until then, try the following excellent tutorials :

Coding for NEON - Part 1: Load and Stores
Coding for NEON - Part 2: Dealing With Leftovers
Coding for NEON - Part 3: Matrix Multiplication
Coding for NEON - Part 4: Shifting Left and Right
Coding for NEON - Part 5: Rearranging Vectors

I myself started with the tutorials above. Unfortunately, over one year passed since the last part is posted. I’ll probably take the baton with my upcoming articles – Stay tuned!

Below is another excellent article on optimizing NEON that shows how large the performance gain can be, and/or how problematic intrinsics can get :

ARM NEON Optimization. An Example

Last but not least, the necessary reference manuals, listing all NEON instructions and their cycle timings :

NEON and VFP instruction summary (PDF)
Instruction Cycle Timing (PDF, Coretex A8)
Instruction Cycle Timing (PDF, Coretex A9)

See you next time - with my first example codes

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.